Spider veins are a common condition among adults. This group of tiny veins occurs at the surface close to the skin and usually appears on the legs and face. These veins that appear in blue, red, or purple may make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes they can also cause pain or burning sensations, mainly when you stand or sit for long. If spider veins in Bakersfield are causing you problems, Heart Vascular and Leg Center uses modern techniques to deal with them and give you the beautiful skin you have been admiring.
Who is at risk of developing spider veins?
Most adults are affected by spider veins in the United States. This condition occurs as a result of valves not working properly. This causes blood to flow in the wrong direction, build up in the valves, and the veins to engorge. Due to the failure of valves, pressure in large veins causes the smaller veins to expand. Now that you have understood what causes your spider veins, here are the risk factors to this condition:
As you get older, muscles, veins, and valves begin to weaken. This expands blood vessels, thus allowing blood to back up and stagnate. To prevent age-related problems, you can do regular exercise to keep the muscles and blood vessels active. This allows blood to move quickly. Wearing compression socks also helps the blood move in the right direction.
Family history
If you have a family member who had spider veins, then there is a high chance of developing it.
Women develop spider veins more than men. The reason for this is because of the different hormonal changes women undergo throughout their life. This impacts their general health, including their veins. An increase in levels of progesterone expands blood vessels.
During pregnancy, a lot of hormonal changes occur. These changes make vein walls weaken, thus expanding the vessels. This affects the normal functioning of the valves. It is also caused by pressure on the legs as the baby grows bigger.
You can also read How to deal with fibroids during pregnancy.
How are spider veins treated?
Spider veins are no cause for concern, but they can make you feel uncomfortable. Several treatment options may help in treating spider veins. They include:
Compression socks
Wearing compression socks helps blood to flow in the right direction. They gently put pressure on the legs, thus boosting blood flow in the legs. Compression socks also have other benefits, such as relieving leg swelling and preventing any venous problems from developing.
During this treatment procedure, your doctor will inject a liquid into the affected vein, which results in the collapse and disappearance of the vein.
Other treatment options may include laser and radiotherapy treatment. A treatment plan depends on your specific needs. Your doctor may carry out physical examinations and imaging to determine what treatment options suit you. During the appointment, you should discuss the various treatment methods available with your doctor and what to expect from them. It would help if you looked for a licensed specialist during a medical procedure. Spider veins usually do not cause pain but can make you feel uncomfortable. Book an appointment with your specialist at Heart Vascular and Leg Center to learn more about the available treatment options for spider veins.