What Are the Benefits of In Vitro Fertilization to a Couple?

The first successful in vitro fertilization birth took place in 1978. Since then, couples and single moms have looked to the procedure for hope when traditional conception became impossible. The process involves combining a sperm and an egg outside the body to create a viable embryo, which is then implanted into the mother’s uterus.

Besides being safe and effective, IVF holds a wide range of benefits, which includes a reduced chance of a miscarriage. Are you considering a New York City IVF? Here are 7 ways you might form your decision.

 Effective Where Other Treatments Have Failed

Most couples explore several fertility treatments such as medications before opting for in vitro fertilization as a conception method. Nonetheless, your fertility doctor might recommend IVF as the first option, especially where other treatments are likely to fail. This is common with diagnoses such as advanced maternal age and blocked fallopian tubes.

Anybody Can Use It

When it comes to in vitro fertilization, a wide range of people can benefit from the procedure, not just the egg-owner, mother, and her partner. This includes surrogate mothers, gestational carriers, single women, same-sex couples, and women who are physically unable to carry a baby to term.

 Allows for Donation

One of the most significant benefits of in vitro fertilization is that it does not confine a couple to their own eggs and sperm. In some cases, a specialist may advise that you use donated sperm or eggs, which are manually combined in the clinic to create a viable embryo.

Timing Control

Family planning allows you to plan how many children you want to have and when you wish to have them. Similarly, IVF gives you more overall control over your conception timing by allowing you to cryopreserve your eggs or embryos. You can also choose a window when you want your baby to be conceived or born.

Healthy Baby

Genetic screening is one of the marvels of modern technology and a significant part of IVF. The process, which is called preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), allows your doctor to create an embryo that is free of known genetic markers. When done properly, you can reduce your baby’s risk of conditions such as Down syndrome and sickle cell anemia.

Reduced Risk of Miscarriage

Genetic abnormality is one of the most common causes of miscarriage. When present, it causes the body to naturally terminate a pregnancy. IVF includes an important step, preimplantation genetic testing, which allows your doctor to ascertain the genetic viability of an embryo before it is implanted. This increases your chances of carrying your baby full-term.

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Increased Chances of Conception

Of all reproductive options available today, IVF with PGT has the highest rate of success. It improves the chances of fertilization, implantation, full-term pregnancy, and a live birth.


In vitro fertilization is not just the last resort in your quest to conception. Since its conception, the procedure has helped a good number of single moms, same-sex couples, and couples battling infertility to bring life into the world. It has also reduced the rate of miscarriages and genetic disorders in participating families.

If you wish to know whether you are a suitable candidate for IVF, contact the fertility specialists at New York Fertility Institute to schedule a consultation today.