Flaunt a Healthy Smile With These Periodontal Disease Treatment Options

Periodontal disease in Downtown, DC and Foggy Bottom, DC, is a dental concern affecting most West End Dental patients. Gum disease happens gradually, starting with the accumulation of plaque in areas surrounding your teeth. Failure to contact your dentist for professional help may cause the condition to worsen. Your dentist will diagnose you with periodontal disease when you have an infection of your gums, bones, and ligaments surrounding your teeth. To have healthy gums, you must know the causes of the oral condition, the habits that put you at risk, and steps you can take to prevent the disease from affecting your gums.   

What Are the Warning Signs That You Might Be Developing Periodontal Disease?

  •         Swollen gums
  •         Receding gums
  •         Bad breath
  •         Loose teeth
  •         Painful chewing
  •         Sensitive teeth

Do not hesitate to consult your dentist for an evaluation when you notice you have such signs. Once at your dentist’s office, the healthcare expert will probe your gums, checking out for infections. He may also request X-rays and compare the new imaging results with older tests to look out for any slight changes in your bones or teeth. If the condition is severe, your doctor may recommend advanced treatment.

What Are Your Treatment Options When You Have Periodontal Disease?

After a thorough evaluation, your dentist will recommend the most appropriate treatment to relieve you of your symptoms. However, the treatment your dentist will suggest extensively depends on your condition’s severity. The treatments your dentist is likely to recommend include:

Scaling and Root Planing

Your dentist will most likely suggest the non-surgical treatment when your gum disease is still in its early stages. While scaling removes tartar and plaque below and above your gum line, root planning eliminates tartar and plaque from your root surfaces and other areas likely to trap and retain bacteria. Once your dentist thoroughly cleans your gums, the gum tissues begin to heal.

 Gum Graft Surgery

The procedure may be an option when the disease causes your gums to start receding. Your dentist may therefore use the treatment to reshape your gums. Alternatively, the dental expert may graft new gum tissue to cover your exposed roots.

You can also read How to Reclaim Your Smile after Losing Teeth.

  Regenerative Procedures

Periodontics is likely to destroy your bone. In such an instance, your dentist may opt to use regenerative procedures to reverse the damage. Your dentist exposes your root during the process and removes the bacteria before grafting the bone to your tooth’s surrounding area to trigger regeneration. When you grow adequate bone with time, your dentist may recommend an implant.

 Periodontal Gum Surgery

You will be a good candidate for the treatment when your teeth’ periodontal pockets deepen and become impossible to clean with typical dental routines. Your dentist makes a tiny incision in your gums during the treatment to access your tooth’s roots to clean the trapped bacteria.


Usually, the last option your dentist may recommend, the healthcare professional will suggest an extraction when your condition is severe and the professional cannot save your tooth.

Tooth removal is no longer the first option when you experience a toothache. There are a variety of dental treatments your dentist may recommend to save your tooth. Book a dental appointment with your doctor to know how to benefit from the various treatments.