How to Cope With Sciatica

Do you have an explained tingling, pain, numbness, and weakness in your bottom, back of the legs, and foot? These could be signs of Sciatica, but you don’t have to worry as the condition can be treated through different medical techniques. You should find an expert in Sciatica in Shrewsbury who will help you understand the condition and how to cope with it. But first, you should know what causes the condition and home remedies that can help cope with the discomfort that results from the condition.

Symptoms of Sciatica

If you have Sciatica, your bottom, legs, and feet might be tingling, numb, weak, and painful. The pain might feel like stabbing, shooting, or burning, and it could get worse when you cough or sneeze. Some people can have back pain, but the pain is mild and not as bad as the pain in the legs, feet, and bottom.

What causes Sciatica?

Sciatica results from rubbing and pressing the sciatic nerve, affecting all the nerves in the bottom and legs. The condition could result from slipped spinal disks, which happen when the soft tissues that cushion the disks are pushed aside. It could occur due to spinal stenosis, which narrows the spine in the area where the sciatica nerves pass. It could also occur due to spondylolisthesis when the bones of the spiral slip out of the position. Finally, the condition might be associated with back injury due to trauma.

How to Deal With Sciatica

Sciatic can get better by itself in a month, but sometimes it can last longer; however, you can relieve the pain to speed the recovery. You might have carried on with normal activities as much as possible but avoided strenuous activities that could pressure the spinal cord. You should exercise and ask your physical therapists about the exercises that ease pain related to Sciatica. You can start the exercises slowly and increase the intensity as soon as your condition improves. If the pain is severe, heat therapy might be helpful as it improves blood circulation in the area leading to adequate nutrient supply and removal of toxins.

You can also read Categories and Causes of Chronic Pain.


Your GP will recommend physical therapy as it works for most patients, and it could be better to incorporate the exercises with massages on the right parts of the legs. However, if Sciatica does not improve. It is wise to go for pain-killing injections such as an epidural. The nerve-blocking injections distort the pain signals sent to the brain, reducing the pain’s intensity, making it possible for the patient to go on with their everyday activities. Moreover, if the condition results from injury and severe spinal cord problems, one might have to opt for surgery to correct the underlying issues to relieve sciatica pain.

The Bottom Line

Sciatica causes pain, tingling, and numbness on the bottom, legs, and feet as it results from the compression of the sciatica nerves on the spinal cord. Sciatica pain can reduce the quality of your life, and it is wise to incorporate exercises and physical therapy to cope with the pain. However, if the condition results from severe injuries and spinal cord issues, it might be wise to get surgery to treat the underlying issues.

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