Essential Facts You Should Know About a Migraine

A migraine can cause a pulsing sensation or a severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head. It is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light. When a migraine strikes, it can last for hours, and the pain can be serious, and it interrupts your daily activities. Rockville migraines treatment center offers treatment options and advises on how to prevent migraine episodes from occurring.

Types of migraines

  1. Hemiplegic migraine

You will get temporary neurological or paralysis or sensory changes on one side of the body. The beginning of headaches can be associated with extreme weakness, temporary numbness on one side of the body, a loss of sensation, vision changes, a tingling sensation, or dizziness. At some time, it includes head pain, and sometimes it does not.

  1. Retinal migraine

You can notice a partial, complete, or temporary loss of vision in one of the eyes, associated with a dull ache at the back of the eye that can spread throughout the head. The vision loss can last a minute or even months. You must report a retinal migraine to your doctor because it can indicate more severe issues.

  1. Chronic migraine

Chronic migraine occurs when a migraine is experienced 15 days per month. Symptoms can change frequently, and the severity of the pain can change also. People who get chronic migraines can be using headache medications more than ten days a month, and it can lead to headaches that occur more frequently.

Migraine with brainstem aura

If you have this migraine, you will have double vision, blurred vision, or loss of balance that occurs before a headache. Headache pain can affect the back of the head. These symptoms can be linked with the inability to speak correctly, vomiting, and ringing in the ears.

Status Migrainosus

This is a severe and rare type of migraine, which lasts longer than 72 hours. Headache, nausea, and pain can be exceptionally bad. Some medications, or medication withdrawal, can make you have this type of migraine.

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What causes a migraine?

Emotional stress. It is one of the things that commonly trigger migraine headaches. During a stressful event, some chemicals in the brain are released to fight the situation. While these chemicals are released, they can bring a migraine. Other emotions like excitement, worry, and anxiety might dilate blood vessels and increase muscle tension, making the migraine more severe.

Caffeine. Withdrawal from caffeine or having too much caffeine can cause headaches. The blood vessels become sensitized to caffeine, so a headache can occur when you don’t take it. Healthcare providers can recommend caffeine to aid with treating migraine attacks.

Hormonal changes in women. Migraines are common in women, especially around the time of menstrual periods. The sudden drop in estrogen, which triggers menses, can trigger migraines as well. Migraines are usually worse between menopause and puberty since estrogen level drop does not occur in young girls and post-menopausal women.

Migraine headaches can be destructive, making it difficult to go to school, work, or do other daily activities. But, there are ways to prevent and manage migraines and endure symptoms. Cooperate with your healthcare provider to prevent migraines from ruling your life. Also, you can call Doctors First to learn more on how to relieve chronic pain.

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