Providing Comprehensive Toenail Fungus Diagnosis and Care In California

If you do not address toenail fungus at the very initial indication of concern, it could spread and develop beneath your nails. Ruben Nieto, DPM, and the Diabetic Foot and Wound Center staff understand how rapidly fungus may harm your nails and surrounding skin. That is why it is critical to treat toenail fungus as soon as you notice it. Call the Diabetic Foot and Wound Center office or schedule a consultation online for comprehensive diagnosis and treatments for toenail fungus in Bakersfield, CA. Same-day and next-day appointments, as well as telehealth, are accessible.

What Exactly is Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus manifests itself as a little yellow or white patch beneath your nail. Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is caused by molds, yeasts, and bacteria. When the fungus has penetrated your nail, usually through microscopic breaks and cracks, it could grow and affect your neighboring nails.

What is the Best Way to Tell Whether You Have Toenail Fungus?

If any of your toes have the following characteristics, you could have toenail fungus:

  • Thickened
  • Crumbling
  • Brownish or yellow color
  • Clogged with debris
  • Easily broken
  • Distorted

Whenever toenail fungus starts to grow, it could emit a horrible odor. If your toe is oozing pus or blood, you could have an infection, which needs treatment at Diabetic Foot and Wound Center.

Wound care treatments could help prevent gangrene, infection, and other consequences if you have diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency, or another chronic health disease that impacts your circulation. Ruben Nieto, DPM, and the wound care staff at Diabetic Foot and Wound Center in Bakersfield, CA, provide consultations seven days a week.

Who Is Afflicted With Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus could affect anyone, although it is more prevalent in persons with sweaty feet and elderly adults with thicker toenails. Other variables which may increase your danger of toenail fungus include:

o   Having had athlete’s foot in the past

o   Wearing filthy socks

o   Walking barefoot in wet locker rooms

o   Skin disorders such as psoriasis

o   Diabetes

o   Having a compromised immune system

If you utilize public swimming pools frequently, you are also more prone to develop toenail fungus.

What Are The Options For Treating Toenail Fungus?

In most circumstances, topical remedies could be sufficient to treat your toenail fungus. Nevertheless, if the fungus develops, you could require oral medication to address it.

It is tough to treat if toenail fungus does not adhere to topical therapies, including medicated nail polish. Surgical intervention is at times required to eradicate the fungus on your foot entirely.

Diabetic Foot and Wound Center provides debridement to detach the diseased nail from the tissue beneath it. In some cases, they could advise eliminating the entire toenail to put antifungal medication immediately beneath it.

How Can You Keep Toenail Fungus At Bay?

If you are susceptible to fungal infections, maintaining your feet clean and dry as much as possible might help you avoid toenail fungus. Trimming your toes could also help to keep dirt and bacteria from being trapped beneath your nail.

With prompt intervention, you could address toenail fungus before it interferes with your everyday life. To get started, contact the office over the phone, or request online. Walk-in and telehealth are other alternatives.