Why You Should be Concerned About When You Last Visited a Gynecologist

Accessing the health system for women is a necessary step since they play a significant role in maintaining their families’ wellbeing. Apart from getting pregnant and giving birth, they become primary caregivers for their entire household. This proves that they influence a lot of decisions when it comes to their families’ health overall. For this reason, every woman needs to identify with a qualified obstetrician or gynecologist so that they can live a healthy life. With readily accessible women’s health treatment options, more women can benefit from the services of David Foulk MD and his team at Marion Ob/Gyn Inc. here is what they want you to know about women’s health.

When to see a gynecologist

The right time to start seeing a gynecologist should from the age of 13 and 15 years. It is assumed that most girls at this age have started getting their periods and seeing physical and physiological changes. Establishing a healthy relationship with your doctor gives you the confidence to accept the changes in your body. See a gynecologist for the following reasons:

Resolve reproductive health issues

Most causes of infertility can be remedied with early detection. Gynecologists and obstetricians also deal with pregnancy, infertility, menstrual periods, and menopause. Your doctor works proactively to solve anything related to reproductive health that may prevent you from conceiving in the future. Anytime you experience symptoms related to these conditions, you should consult your doctor right away.

Guidance and counseling

Right from the time you start noticing physical changes in your body, it is essential to consult with your gynecologist to guide your overall welfare.  These professionals are equipped with the skills needed to solve reproductive problems, but they also play a significant role in educating you on health and lifestyle issues. Be ready to ask any questions and they will respond based on their medical experiences.

What happens during a gynecological visit?

Whether you suspect that you may have contracted a sexual disease or are looking for an overall wellness program, it is crucial to establish a close relationship with your doctor. Try to schedule a consultation earlier to help your doctor to prepare for your visit. Your doctor has the expertise and tools to establish the cause of your problem.

During the session, your doctor may want to examine your body or request tests to determine how best to help you. If your visit is scheduled in a few days, your doctor may advise you to avoid engaging in sex, douching, or using tampons to facilitate a smooth gynecological visit.

Go for gynecological services today

The fact that women have a longer lifespan predisposes them to many chronic conditions related to reproductive issues. Approaching your doctor as soon as you start experiencing any symptoms that are related to women’s health is a good idea. Identify one that resonates with your spirits. To learn more about gynecological or obstetrician services, schedule a consultation with your Marion Ob/Gyn Inc. specialist today.