Safe, Effective Allergy Treatments In the Greater New Orleans Area

Allergies are prevalent problems affecting both adults and children, thus, causing debilitating symptoms that often affect your life quality. If you reside in the Greater New Orleans area and are struggling with a respiratory allergy, Adil Fatakia, MD, and Gregory Pippin, MD, can offer you a solution at ENT of New Orleans. At the convenient office locations in New Orleans East and Marrero, the providers use cutting-edge diagnostic facilities to determine the root cause of your allergy symptoms and determine the most effective treatments. Schedule an appointment with Marrero allergies specialist today through mobile or request online.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are a response by your immune system to a substance you either eat, breathe, or touch. The trigger substances- allergens- are things that won’t cause you any harm but to which the body reacts as though they are dangerous for your health.

The most prevalent respiratory allergens include mold, pet dander, pollen, and dust. Getting into contact with an allergen triggers unpleasant symptoms, which can make you feel miserable, affecting your daily life.

What Are The Common Allergy Symptoms?

Allergy symptoms depend on the type of allergy you have. Patients experiencing a food allergy may tend to swell, have a rash, vomit, or feel nauseous. The providers at ENT of New Orleans specialize in respiratory allergies affecting your throat and nose. Such allergies might often cause itchy, watery, or swollen eyes, runny or blocked nose, rash, and cough.

If left untreated, the allergy may develop into a chronic condition such as postnasal drip. The patients are also likely to experience regular headaches and other upper respiratory infections like sinusitis. ENT of New Orleans specializes in allergy treatments, offering patients health and support care. 

How To Treat Allergies?

Determining the cause of your allergy is the key to treating it successfully. The ENT of New Orleans offices offers huge conveniences and expert care for patients across Louisiana suffering from the allergies’ effects.

Once an accurate diagnosis is determined, your specialist develops a customized treatment plan meant to reduce the symptoms of allergies you’re experiencing. The first step in caring for yourself is avoiding known allergens altogether. You may also benefit from taking prescription medications to alleviate the symptoms caused by your allergies. Other treatment options available at the ENT of New Orleans include:

  • Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy works to clear chronic conditions, such as allergic asthma and hay fever. It’s quite effective but takes some time to work as the procedure involves either having allergy drops or shots under your tongue.

These drops and shots contain small quantities of allergens sensitive to you. Through the body’s exposure to these allergens in small, regular doses, you get used to it with time. In turn, the symptoms that result from your allergy reaction are reduced.

  • Balloon Sinuplasty

If you suffer from blocked sinuses, balloon sinuplasty can help open your airways, hence breath more effortlessly. At ENT of New Orleans, the certified surgeons use cutting-edge technology to perform image-guided sinuplasty.

The facility is an Entellus Medical Center of Excellence on sinus treatments. This company is specially focused on developing equipment and procedures to treat sinusitis and other ENT concerns.

In conclusion, Dr. Fatakia, Dr. Pippin, and the team at ENT of New Orleans welcome new patients to their offices. If you or a loved one struggles with allergies, call the office near you or go online to schedule a consultation.