Root Canal Treatment and Recovery Process

Dental health determines the well-being of your body. Taking care of your teeth minimizes the chances of getting oral diseases. However, some oral disorders may occur, thus there is a need to seek treatment. A root canal is a type of teeth treatment that mainly deals with saving your decayed teeth. Decayed teeth cause inflammation and irritation to nerves present in your roots. Teeth decay can make you lose your teeth and have a lot of pain. Richmond root canal is a health care center that deals with root canal treatments. Below are the symptoms suggesting that root canal treatments are needed.

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Signs and symptoms which will make you undergo a root canal

There are many symptoms associated with oral problems. Some of these symptoms may suggest other teeth disorders, but many share the same signs and symptoms. Symptoms of root canal treatment include;

  •       Severe tooth decay. There are chemicals that form on your teeth’s surface, that damages your enamel slowly. Shallow tooth decay may not have any on the roots. Deep tooth decay destroys your enamel getting down to roots and nerves.
  •       Dark gum, which is swollen. Pathogens and bacteria responsible for tooth decay damage your root causing the gums to change color. It is essential to seek treatment before the gums are completely affected.
  •       Pain during eating and biting. You are supposed to have comfort when you chew food. Decayed teeth cause pain during eating since some food particles enter into the decayed part of the tooth.
  •       Sensitive teeth. especially when you take hot or cold drinks
  •       Cracked teeth. Cracks in your teeth act as path-ways of pathogens and bacteria.
    Cracked teeth store un-cleaned particles, which catalyze tooth decay. The below paragraph explains how dentists conduct a root canal treatment.

The procedure of a root canal treatment

A root canal treatment is done by a dentist or an endodontic. These specialists are capable of examining, diagnosing, preventing, and treating oral problems. Your doctor will take through an examination to understand how severe your root, gums, and enamel are damaged. An x-ray will be taken to check the shape of your root canal and whether the infection has caused other surrounding damages.  After an x-ray, local anesthesia is done to make you feel relaxed. Some patients will not require anesthesia since their root nerves are destroyed.

A clamp is placed inside your mouth to prevent you from closing your mouth, and a rubber sheet to dry the area of treatment from saliva. The doctor will then drill your tooth to remove decayed nerves, bacteria, and tissues. After the surgery, the physician will clean the tooth using sodium hypochlorite, preparing it for sealing. If your surgery was mild, the endodontic seals your teeth immediately after cleaning. Other dentists prefer to give you some days to recover before applying sealant. After undergoing the full root canal treatment, your doctor may prescribe some painkillers to relieve pain.

A root canal is a treatment technique that dentists perform to save your severely decayed teeth or tooth. Tooth decay causes sharp pain, darkening of gums, and bad breath. Dentists follow a variety of procedures during treatment. Consult Brightwork Family Dentistry for a root canal treatment.