Experiencing Heavy Bleeding? Here Are Five Treatment Options That You Should Consider

Heavy bleeding in women during periods is a common problem. The problem at times can be attributed to different underlying causes while at other times it simply has no explanation. Heavy periods can have a significant impact on the day-to-day lives of some women. However, the problem is manageable through various treatment options. It would help if you had an expert to determine the cause of the problem. A visit to Dr. Christopher K Quinsey, MD, a Lake Mary heavy bleeding specialist, can help you get some insights about and treatment for the issue.

Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill

This pill contains estrogen and progestin hormones that aid in reducing heavy bleeding. The medication reduces bleeding by almost a third and reduces the pain that also comes with the periods. This treatment method of severe bleeding is popular, especially with women who favor contraception and see this option as the most suitable. However, you cannot buy this medication over the counter before consulting a doctor as you cannot predict the side effects. It is advisable to see a doctor in regards to the medication.

Intrauterine System (IUS)

This type of treatment entails the insertion of a small plastic device into the womb. The plastic device periodically releases the progestogen hormone to prevent the womb lining from developing quickly. This treatment is one of the most preferred first options by women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding. The only disadvantage to this type of treatment is that it is a long-acting treatment and can take up to three to six months before it is fully effective. 

Tranexamic Acid Tablets

A specialist can prescribe tranexamic acid tablets if an IUS treatment is not suitable for you. These tablets work by reducing blood clot breakdown in the womb and strengthening blood clots against the womb lining, leading to less bleeding. The treatment can reduce heavy bleeding by half. You will be required to take a tablet three times a day for a length of four days during the period. Medical practitioners recommended you start taking the pills at the start of your period.

Anti-Inflammatory Painkillers

This medication treatment can also be used to treat heavy bleeding and consists of various brands. Some of drugs include;

  • Mefenamic acid
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen

These medicines work by decreasing prostaglandin production, the hormone responsible for heavy, painful periods, hence reducing the heavy bleeding. This treatment reduces heavy bleeding by around a quarter. This medication treatment is not a form of contraceptive and needs to be taken during each period for a few days.

Uterine Artery Embolisation (UAE)

Heavy bleeding can also be treated using this option, but only if fibroids cause excessive bleeding. This treatment involves blocking the vessels of blood that supply the fibroids, making them shrink. The medical procedure entails the injection of small particles through a tube to block the blood supply to the fibroids.

Contact a Heavy Bleeding Specialist Today

Heavy bleeding is a problem that is common in women and needs addressing if it persists for some time. You can choose the type of treatment that you find suitable under the guidance of a specialist. It is recommended not to go and try some of the treatment options without a doctor’s prescription.

If you reside in Lake Mary, Florida, and are looking for a qualified doctor to assist you with your heavy bleeding, look no more as Dr. Christopher K Quinsey will ensure your problem is addressed. Contact him today and schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.