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Conditions That Can Be Treated Using Minimally Invasive Surgery

Every woman in her productive years yearns to have a trusted gynecologist to walk her through the reproduction journey. For the best Napa, CA advanced robotic and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Kirk is a renowned expert in various woman-care aspects from childbirth to menopause. He diligently and respectfully assesses his patients’ problems before offering them the best treatment options available. Dr. Kirk and his expert team boast professionalism in performing minimally invasive laparoscopic, hysteroscopic, and robotic surgeries.

Services the team deals with include:

Robotic and minimally invasive surgery

Technological advancements have made it possible for your doctor to perform some surgical procedures without going the traditional open surgery way where a big incision is made. During a minimally invasive procedure, your doctor uses a laparoscope, a thin hand tool with a tiny camera and light at the end. He starts by making small incisions in your abdomen. The surgeon then inflates your belly to expand your abdominal walls and give him a clear view of the treatment area.

Using the laparoscope to complete the procedure, the doctor will use the device to send high definition video from inside your body to a monitor where he will diagnose your health concerns before recommending treatment. The procedure boasts several advantages including less blood loss and fast recovery.

Your doctor will use robotic and minimally invasive surgery to treat a wide range of issues like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and urinary incontinence.


This surgical procedure prompts your doctor to remove your uterus, with or without removing your fallopian tubes and ovaries, to improve your life quality. When you go to your doctor for the procedure, you will not be able to get pregnant any longer, your menstrual flow will end, and you will no longer need to use contraceptives. There are various conditions that hysterectomy will treat, and they include:

  •         Fibroids
  •         Endometriosis
  •         Irregular menstrual periods
  •         Severe period pain
  •         Pelvic inflammation
  •         Uterine prolapse
  •         Uterine or ovarian cancer

Your doctor will only recommend the procedure if other treatment options fail to ease your symptoms. In most cases, hysterectomies are not emergencies and your doctor will give you time to think about it. To know whether the treatment is for you, your doctor will evaluate your medical history and discuss several concerns, including your feelings about the procedure.


Uterine fibroids are not cancerous, and therefore it should not worry you when your doctor affirms that you have these growths. Fibroids range in size and can either be undetectable or big enough to distort your uterus’ size. They also come in different types and experts classify the growths depending on their location.

Some fibroids have no symptoms. You might have a single growth or multiple growths without knowing until your doctor accidentally discovers it during a prenatal ultrasound or a pelvic exam.

Before choosing the best treatment option for uterine fibroids, your doctor will request various tests to confirm the diagnosis. After confirmation, the care provider will try non-surgical options to shrink the growths and ease your symptoms. However, when non-surgical options fail, your doctor will recommend robotic surgery to remove the growths through tiny incisions below your belly button.

A scar and lengthy recovery periods are always the first things that cross your mind when your doctor recommends a surgical procedure. Thanks to laparoscopic surgeries, you will have to worry no more. Contact the experts at Adventist Health today to learn more about robotic and minimally invasive procedures and how you can benefit from the surgery.