A Closer Look At Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a skin cancer condition that grows on the squamous cells. It affects skin areas exposed to UV rays such as the chest, neck, ears, hands, and legs. Although the condition is not life-threatening, you should go for Chevy Chase squamous cell carcinoma treatment to prevent further growth or spread of the cells to other parts of the body. Here is more information concerning squamous cell carcinoma.

Symptoms of Squamous Cell Carcinoma 

There are various symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma. If you notice any of the signs, ensure you seek medical help immediately. Below are the symptoms. 

  • Red and sore mouth
  • An open sore that does not go away or heal 
  • A wart-like dome-shaped lump
  • Rough, crusty, and red patches on your skin that bleeds
  • Scale-like rough patch on your lip

If you notice any of the above signs, but you are not sure what it could be, ensure you seek help from a specialist to establish the symptoms and advise you on the way forward. Sometimes, you may choose to overlook the symptoms, thinking that it is a minor thing, but it could be a sign of squamous cell carcinoma that needs immediate medical attention before it spreads further. 

Causes of Squamous Cell Carcinoma 

UV rays are the most known cause of squamous cell carcinoma, which occurs when the cells located in the skin’s middle and outer layers make more cells. The skin is affected when the cells remain alive and multiply, leading to squamous cell carcinoma. The condition can worsen if you do not have a strong immune system to fight off cell growth and multiplication.

Risk Factors of Squamous Cell Carcinoma 

Many risk factors contribute to the occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma, and while some are avoidable, it may not be possible to avoid others. Here are the risk factors, and analyzing them will help you take preventative measures where applicable before it is too late. 

Fair skin: People with fair skin have a higher chance of getting squamous cell carcinoma because fair skin does not provide enough melanin to protect the skin against UV rays. 

Red or blonde hair: You are at a high risk of getting squamous cell carcinoma if you have light-colored eyes and blond or red hair and when you expose your body too much to the sunlight. 

A weak immune system: If you have a weak immune system and other conditions such as lymphoma and leukemia, you are at a high risk of skin cancer. Your doctor can advise you on a healthy lifestyle that can help you boost your immune system and reduce the chances of getting skin cancer. 

Too much exposure to the sun: You are likely to get skin cancer if you stay under excessive sunlight for extended periods without covering your skin. Ensure you protect your skin anytime you spend more time outdoors under the sun. 

 When to See Your Doctor 

The signs above will help you understand and detect early signs of skin cancer. Remember, you need to contact your doctor if you have been previously diagnosed with skin cancer because there are high chances of getting it again. If you want to learn more about skin cancer or plan to go for skin cancer diagnosis, contact your health care Ali Hendi, MD for treatment.