Advanced Treatment For Gum Recession In Frisco, Texas

About 47% of Americans are prone to experience periodontal diseases and gum recession. If left unchecked, the conditions may translate into poor oral health, problems eating, and low self-esteem. Before you begin to lose teeth and develop bone decay, contact Lone Star Dental Care for top-notch Frisco gum recession using the Pinhole surgical technique.

What is the Gum Recession?

Gum recession is an oral health condition causing the gum tissue to pull away from your teeth. In the absence of prompt care, gum recession may expose the root of your tooth and increase your vulnerability to tooth sensitivity, severe periodontitis, and tooth loss in the long term.

If detected early, your doctor may recommend viable treatments to reverse gum recession through conservative tactics. If the condition persists, your provider may recommend surgical remedies like soft tissue grafts to reverse the unpleasant symptoms of gum recession.

Symptoms of Gum Recession

In the initial stages, gum recession may not present quite obvious signs and symptoms, making it quite inconspicuous as it advances to more dangerous stages. If left unattended, gum recession may translate into loose teeth, bad breath, and heightened tooth sensitivity.

Whenever you look at the reflection of your smile, you may notice normal gum tissue on some teeth, while others appear longer than usual. You may also experience other signs calling for immediate medical intervention at Lone Star Dental Care.

Diagnosis of Gum Recession

For a conclusive diagnosis at Lone Star Dental Care, your doctor recommends a thorough oral exam, explores your symptoms, and reviews the medical history to get an effective treatment approach.

In isolated cases, gum recession may be visible to the naked eye. In case you are battling severe gum disease, the provider may recommend an x-ray to determine the extent of bone damage.

Treatment for Gum Recession

The board-certified team at Lone Star Dental Care employs the pinhole surgical technique® in treating gum recession. Unlike soft tissue grafting, the pinhole surgical technique is comfortable and free of cuts or stitches.

Your provider may use special surgical equipment to reposition receding or loose gum tissue. At Lone Star Dental Care, the Pinhole Surgical technique is completed within 1-2 hours but delivers highly effective results that may last for a year or more.

Your provider may also take the opportunity to address various areas of your mouth in a single sitting to relieve you of the expense and hassle of multiple visits and longer recovery times.

Comparing the Pinhole Surgical Technique to Soft Tissue Grafting

Unlike traditional soft tissue grafting, the pinhole surgical technique features advantages like;

  • A scalpel free treatment
  • No swelling, bleeding, or discomfort
  • Significant reduction in the risk of infection
  • Healthier and more attractive gums

The pinhole surgical technique also conserves the recommended amount of healthy natural gum tissue. In the long run, you may enjoy healthier and brighter smiles for years.

Other Services Offered at Lone Star Dental Care

You may also visit the practice for;

  • Invisalign
  • Dental implants
  • Children’s dentistry
  • Wisdom tooth extraction
  • Periodontal disease treatment
  • Soft tissue graft
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Tooth extractions
  • Orthodontics
  • Bone grafting
  • Veneers
  • Root canal treatment
  • Sedation dentistry
  • Dentures
  • Digital dentistry

Wrap Up

Gum recession affects your general appearance, self-esteem, oral health, and biting capability. Contact Lone Star Dental Care to book an appointment at your convenience today.