Did you know about a Toe Deformity called Bunions?

A bunion is a bump that forms on the outer side part of your big toe. This toe deformity normally occurs when you apply a lot of pressure on the big toe joint. Pressure on the toe pushes the toe joint out of its place, making the toe misaligned. According to research, every person can be affected by bunions, but women are mostly affected. However, this joint problem can occur in both feet. Additionally, bunions can cause difficulties in walking and problems to wear shoes. For diagnosis and treatment of bunions, book an appointment with specialists that can treat bunions in New York. Below are different types of bunions.

The primary types of bunions

The medical name of bunions is hallux abducto valgus. There are three types of bunions that affect the big toe. However, the other toes can also be diseased, but they are not usually affected. They include:

  1. Juvenile hallux valgus. Juvenile hallux valgus or adolescent bunions affect teens at the age of ten to fifteen. The disease should be treated and managed since it can progress to adulthood.
  2. Congenital hallux valgus. These types of bunions are prevalent in babies during birth. It occurs when the toe joint develops, protruding outwards. According to research, they should be treated a few days after birth because they can limit your baby from walking.
  3. Tailors bunions. Tailor’s bunions are also called bunionette. They are called bunionette because they develop on the little outer toe. According to specialists, they are treatable and manageable.  

It is vital to keep examining your toes since hallux abducto valgus can develop without notice. Visit your physician immediately if you notice some unusual deformity on the toes. The below paragraph shows how bunions are diagnosed, managed, and treated.

 Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hallux abducto valgus (bunions)

Your doctor will use an x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging to check the damaged joint bones. After diagnosis, your treatment doctor will suggest a treatment procedure for you.

  • Placement of pad and taping. This can be done in your doctor’s office. Pads and taping are placed on your foot to keep it in the right position.
  • Change of footwear. This type of treatment is done to people with non-severe bunions. If your shoes are tight, you can be given a stretcher to make them fit.
  • Surgery. Surgery is done when the other treatments are not helping. It is also done to severe bunions. During surgery, the bunions will be removed and the joint re-aligned to put the big to its position. The surgical procedure is also called a bunionectomy.
  • Injections. Your doctor may use steroids injections to ease pain and reduce swelling. An injection is the most effective way of relieving pain.

Bunions affect many people across the world. However, some factors such as foot injuries, inflammation diseases, and gene inheritance can promote the occurrence of hallux abducto valgus.  Call or visit Precision Foot Care health center for treatment of bunions.