What to Expect in a Non-Invasive Spinal Surgery

You may now consider spinal surgery if all other treatment options have failed to relieve your back pain. Luckily, you do not have to undergo traditional surgery like was the case some time back. Technology has now made it possible for doctors to use laser spine surgery and other non-invasive procedures to minimize the risks of complications. Book an appointment today with NJ Spine and Wellness for orthopedic spinal surgery in Matawan if chronic back pain is affecting the quality of your life. Here is what to expect if in such a session:

How will you prepare for surgery?

If it is your first time in surgery, it is normal to develop anxiety and be worried. After all, you do not know what happens there. The doctor will guide you on how to prepare for surgery. Here are the main tips:

  •       Quit smoking: Like all other procedures, smoking is known to cause complications. According to experts, smoking interferes with wound healing and the ability of your bones to fuse together. Therefore, you want to keep away from smoking way before surgery and after surgery.
  •       Talk about your medications: It’s good that you are open with your doctor about the current medications you are taking if there are any. Some medications have ingredients that interfere with spinal fusion and healing after the procedure.
  •       Eat healthily: Doctors recommend that you eat a lot of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of water before surgery to facilitate healing. You should also keep away from processed and fatty foods.
  •       Exercise: The other key thing you want to observe is physical therapy. However, it should only go as far as your body can take. The worst thing that can happen is another injury on top of your chronic pain.

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What to expect in the surgery session

Doctors are no longer required to use general anesthesia as they did several years ago with traditional surgeries. They only numb a small area of your body. They use X-ray technology to view what is happening inside. After everything is set, the surgeon makes a small incision through which a tubular retractor enters to treat the affected spine portion. After everything is complete, doctors remove the retractor and tools before closing the incision. They cover the entire area with a bandage to prevent infection.

Today, you can get most of these procedures done on an outpatient basis. This means that you can go home a few hours after you came in for surgery. However, you will be advised to bring along a family member or friend to drive you home after the session. You should resume the full routine one week after surgery. The mild discomfort you feel after surgery is only short-lived.

Non-invasive surgery is preferred by both patients and doctors because it has less or no pain and quicker recoveries. You also get minimal scarring compared to what patients experience with traditional surgeries. Schedule a consultation today with NJ Spine and Wellness to determine whether you are a candidate for non-invasive spinal surgery.