What to Do If You Learn You Have High-Risk Pregnancy

Every woman desires to have a pregnancy that is as safe and as enjoyable as possible. However, concerns can arise about an elevated risk of complications during pregnancy and can be considered high-risk. Therefore, it is essential to seek maternal care regularly as your doctor can help you know if your pregnancy is safe. Moreover, if you learn that you have a high-risk pregnancy, you can do much to improve the condition.

Why you Might have High-Risk Pregnancy

Vast common complications can cause a high-risk pregnancy. They can be related to pre-existing conditions that may have been there before becoming pregnant or problems that developed after you became pregnant, or that can happen during delivery. The specialists at the Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley are among the best Edinburg, TX obstetrics and can help you identify these complications. The following conditions can contribute to high-risk pregnancy:

  •       Obesity
  •       Diabetes
  •       High blood pressure
  •       Early or late pregnancy (teen pregnancy or pregnancy over 35)
  •       Multiple births
  •       Genetic risks
  •       Multiples
  •       Sexually transmitted diseases

What You Should Do

The best thing you can do after learning that your pregnancy is high-risk is to seek high-risk obstetrics. Fernando Otero, MD of Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley, understands that the news of high-risk pregnancy can be worrying and therefore, offers compassionate care to ensure that the risks of both the mother and the child are reduced or managed. Dr. Otero reviews your medical history thoroughly to design the most suitable care plan for you.

However, managing a high-risk pregnancy requires combined efforts between you and your OB/GYN. Therefore, there is more you can do to maintain optimal health during pregnancy. They include:

Following Your Doctor’s Guidelines

You can receive more specialized care with the right caregiver, but the most crucial part is you following what you are advised. This includes getting regular prenatal care, regular exercises, enough sleep, taking prenatal supplements, keeping an eye on your weight, and regularly visiting your dentist.

Making Dietary Changes

What you eat during pregnancy plays a vital role in improving your health. Therefore, it is good to ensure that your diet includes enough healthy foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, and choose foods with proteins, calcium, folic acids, and zinc. Ensure also that you get enough iron and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoiding Harmful Beverages and Foods

Alcohol and caffeine from coffee, tea, and soda are not good for pregnant women. Raw or undercooked food should also be avoided as they may contain food-borne illnesses. It can also do you good to stay away from unpasteurized cheeses and massive mercury fish.

Lifestyle Changes

You may be required to make some adjustments to your lifestyle to maintain good health during your pregnancy. These can include quitting smoking, staying away from illicit drugs, staying away from hot tubs, steam rooms or saunas, and avoiding environmental toxins.

Your specialist can counsel you and advise you on how you should deal with the changes brought about by pregnancy to ensure that they do not affect your well-being. Also, learn how you can take care of yourself emotionally as it can affect your general health.

Finally, it is essential to understand that managing a high-risk pregnancy is a dynamic and gradual process, and therefore you should be patient with the process. To learn how you can manage high-risk pregnancy, you can reach out to Dr. Otero at the Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley.